The Endless Mind of Friedrich Kiesler

March 2022

Vitrine IV: Friedrich Kiesler (1890-1965)

-For the coming month i will display and explore(rather digitally)the fantastic work of Austrian-American Artist Friedrich/Frederick Kiesler. As a major inspiration I will focus on various of Kieslers projects which move on the line between Art, Architecture, poetry and philosophy. Explorations that he fused in his correalism theory and which he materially manifested in his long term project „The Endless House“. Here a small excerpt from MoMA „ In 1926, after traveling to New York to co-organize the International Theatre Exposition at Steinway Hall, Kiesler and his wife immigrated to the United States and settled in the city. There, Kiesler helped spread the ideas of the European avant-garde, such as non-objective painting, abstraction, and the merging of art and life. He found work as a professor at Columbia University’s School of Architecture and as the director of scenic design at the Juilliard School of Music. In 1942, he was chosen to design collector and art dealer Peggy Guggenheim’s Art of This Century Gallery in New York, for which he planned every aspect, from an innovative method of installing paintings to its lighting, sculpture stands, and seating. In 1947, he designed the installation Salle Superstition for the Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme, organized by Marcel Duchamp and André Breton at the Galerie Maeght in Paris. In this exhibition, Kiesler also displayed his first work of sculpture, Totem for All Religions, a wood-and-rope construction that stands more than nine feet tall and simultaneously evokes a totem pole, a crucifix, and various astronomical symbols“ . full Read: # friedrichkiesler#correalism 

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