Soundwaves 2024 at Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin
Die Kette ist excited to announce “Soundwaves Pt. III” at Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin organized between Gregor Quack @gregorquack and me @die_kette_moabit @vitodilldapp. With its third venue on December 12th i brought together audio works by Max Brand, crys cole, Shouji Hara,Anne Imhof ,Sam Lewitt, Naemi, Albert Oehlen, Lucy Railton, Benjamin Saurer, Nicole-Antonia Spagnola, Ulla Straus, Andreas Dorau,Stefan Tcherepnin, Andreas Reihse and Taketo Shimada. For this iteration underground legend Gudrun Gut will perform a live set at 8pm. The audioworks will be presented on a growing series of side specific furnitures by artistarchitect Jens Rønholt Schmidt @jens_rnhlts and me in collaboration with danish wood company Dinesen @dinesen. As an extension of die Kette’s research, “Soundwaves” attempts to set another bridge between art, architecture and music.